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Supporting Pastors and Ministry Workers


Through this initiative, the NCEASL supports pastors and ministry workers persecuted for their faith and serving in rural areas amidst economic hardships. In 2021, livelihood support was provided for 73 families from 06 provinces. Additionally, the NCEASL contributed to rebuilding ten churches and provided emergency aid.

“The NCEASL taught us innovative ways of self-employment.”

I have served in a rural village in the Hambantota district for 16 years. We faced many challenges and persecutions when building our church and continuing our ministry. The very reason my village has a church is because of the support of the NCEASL”, said pastor Gamini Nandith. Commenting on his livelihood training, he continued, “The NCEASL taught us innovative ways of self-employment. They engaged with us through intensive training

sessions and mentored us to become more self-sufficient, helping

the ministry.

My family sews face masks and makes paper bags used by the pharmacies; these businesses have opened new doors for evangelism through new relationships. I bless and thank the NCEASL for their tremendous support.

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